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Workshop Topics

One of our core offerings is providing workshops and training on diverse topics to agencies, businesses, institutions, and the community at large

Black Mental Health Canada (BMHC) is an educator of mental health content as it pertains specifically to Black Canadians. Black Mental Health Canada (BMHC) was established to bring awareness to mental health as a real and significant issue for Black Canadians and their families.

Therapy Hesitancy Among Black Women by Black Mental Health Canada

Our workshops cover a range of topics, including:

    • Historical and Race-based Trauma
    • Structural Racism Cultural Competence
    • Systemic Barriers
    • Mental Health Stigma
    • Social Determinants of Health
    • Community Collaborative Interventions
    • Mental Health in the Black Community & more
Canadian mental health Black Mental Health Canada
works shops for black mental wellness Black Mental Health Canada
    • Cultural Sensitivity in the Workplace
    • Mental Health and Race in the Workplace
    • Trauma Sensitive Leadership
    • Black Mental Health Matters
    • Black Mental Health and Having a voice
    • Breaking Silence around Mental Health
    • Mental Health and Black Youth
    • Working with Young Black Men
workshops for black mental health Black Mental Health Canada
black mental wellness workshops from Black Mental Health Canada
    • Mental Health and Black Men
    • Mental Health and Black Women
    • Mental Health and the Elderly
    • Black LGBTQ+ and Mental Health
    • Mental Health and Religion
    • Black Mental Health and Academia
    • Black Mental Health Training & Tools for Health Professionals
black mental wellness from Black Mental Health Canada

Our workshops are always interesting, and we creatively utilize Technology, open discussion, role-playing, films and videos, case studies etc. when training.

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While the list above is only a snapshot of the workshops we can offer, we are always pleased to work with organizations to design custom workshops to meet their unique needs.

Black Mental Health Canada Black Health Care Workshops

Workshop styles include:

  • Lunch and Learns

  • Half Day Trainings

  • Full Day training

  • 2-day training

  • Virtual training

  • Online Training

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