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By: Stan Popovich

Many people who struggle with their mental health do not have medical insurance to pay for a mental health counselor which can be very expensive.

Finding Cost Effective Resources that address your mental health by Black Mental Health CanadaAs a result, many of these people do not know where to go for help and eventually neglect their mental health because they do not have the money.

With this in mind, here are some suggestions on what you can do to find affordable resources that address your mental health. 

  1. Talk to your doctor or primary care physician: Your medical or family doctor is a great source in finding assistance. Explain to your doctor your problems, and he or she can point you in the right direction in seeking the proper treatment. Your primary care physician may even know of some low-cost services that you can use to your advantage.
  2. Go to your local hospital: Your local hospital is another source you can use to find the different mental health resources in your area. Discuss your situation with the people at the hospital; hopefully, they can find ways to help you immediately
  3. Ask your friends and relatives for advice: Use your network of friends and relatives to see if they know of any low-cost mental health resources that are nearby.  Many churches and nonprofit agencies offer a variety of mental health programs in your area. Asking the people who attend these groups may be aware of some programs.
  4. Go to your local churches: Your local churches can also provide some advice and assistance on finding those mental health resources that you can afford. Talk to the people in charge to see what they recommend you should do if you’re having trouble finding affordable mental health resources for yourself or someone you may know. 
  5. Join a local mental health support group: Go to a support group in your area and ask if anyone knows of anyone that can help you with your mental health issues. Many people who are active in these groups will be able to give you some names of people in the area that can help you out. In addition, the people in these groups will be able to relate to your situation.
  6. Investigate local government programs: With the help of your doctor or hospital, have them refer you to a social worker who can help you find some government programs that offer low-cost assistance for your mental health. It is important to work with a social worker who can help navigate the process of finding government assistance rather than doing it yourself. 
  7. Do some research online: If you are unable to find anything in your area, then go online and find the closest support groups and resources that are nearby. In addition, many groups that are far away can still help you because they chat with their members using video. Contact these groups online and determine how you can benefit from those services. The key is to be persistent and not give up. 


Stan Popovich is the author of the popular managing fear book, “A Layman’s Guide to Managing Fear”. For more information about Stan’s book and to get some free mental health advice, please visit Stan’s website at

Black Mental Health Canada

Contact us today to find out how we can help you in your journey to improve your mental health.

Author: BMHC

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